LIMESTONE, ME — DG Fuels, LLC, (DGF) Loring Development Authority of Maine (LDA) and Green 4 Maine, LLC, wish to acknowledge the results of a collaborative effort and progress made toward the 175 million gallon per year sustainable jet fuel project first announced in November 2022.
Michael Darcy, chief executive officer of DGF, stated that considerable progress has been made in various aspects of the project including identifying sources of large quantities of clean electricity needed to power the refining process, and engaging the engineering firms of Black and Veatch and Haley Ward to design the site layout and handle environmental issues and permitting. Efforts are also underway to secure wood waste and biomass needed for the plant’s feedstock. The Maine Department of Transportation has been involved in identifying the means by which rail lines in northern Maine can be returned to service and used to transport the raw biomass product to the plant site. Discussions are also underway with Loring Holdings to utilize a pipeline corridor to bring the finished Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) to Searsport where it would be loaded onto tankers for distribution at airports on the east coast of the United States.
“We are very pleased to be working with the LDA and Green 4 Maine, as well as, other stakeholders such as Maine’s Department of Economic and Community Development. Our project has been well-received and DGF is committed to making the project a success” stated Mr. Darcy.
DGF has begun to reach out to Legislators and plans to hold meetings with officials from Limestone, Caribou and other local and regional stakeholders.
“This project, when completed, would represent a big part of the vision that the State has always had for Loring” stated LDA Board Chair Jeremy Fischer. “The potential impact cannot be understated in terms of jobs and increased economic activity in the area. Thanks to all who have brought their efforts to bear to make this a reality and thanks in advance to those whose contributions have yet to be made”.
“A significant strength of Aroostook County as a location for DG Fuels is the utilization of our natural resources and built infrastructure at Loring Commerce Centre”, stated Robert Clark, Executive Director of the Northern Maine Development Commission. “The region’s economic development strategy is built on using our indigenous assets as our advantage over other industrial sites. DG Fuels will contribute greatly to the expansion of our sustainable forest resources industry
and take advantage of the tremendous assets at Loring Commerce Centre in creating 650 well – paying jobs in the green economy”.
The project is estimated to create about 650 permanent full-time jobs and will run on a 24/7 schedule. The project will also create as many as 2,300 construction jobs. DGF is working with Green 4 Maine to renovate housing at Loring which will help to support the project during both the construction and operational phases.
The project partners are diligently working with the Maine Department of Transportation to identify project costs associated with rehabilitating the existing rail lines between Presque Isle and Loring. The reactivation of this freight rail line not only reduces transportation costs but represents a more environmentally-friendly transportation solution.
Carl Flora, CEO of the Loring Development Authority, mentioned the development partnership that has been formed with Green 4 Maine. “LDA is pleased that Green 4 Maine will be playing a major role in this exciting new project. Aside from the housing Green 4 Maine will be developing, G4M may be acquiring the project site in the future and that implies a long – term relationship between Green 4 Maine and DGF”.
Scott Hinkel, a principal with Green 4 Maine, stated that “We look forward to assisting DGF at every possible instance going forward. The opportunity is huge for the Green 4 Maine Campus at Loring Commerce Centre. DGF’s biomass refinery will drive demand for the use of more and more facilities at Loring, both existing and yet-to-be-built. Green 4 Maine is working directly with DGF to provide workforce housing to support the facility build out that will foster the economic development and long-term sustainable job creation that the Town of Limestone and surrounding communities have been yearning for since the base closed many decades ago.”
About DG Fuels:
DG Fuels is building a low-CO2 life cycle emissions synthetic fuel system based on high carbon conversion technology that is targeting a 97% efficiency. The DG Fuels’ technology does not require the development of new engines or types of distribution infrastructure. DG Fuels’ innovative technology produces hydrogen via water electrolysis and biomass derived carbon replacement fuel for aircraft, and potentially for locomotives, vessels and trucks as well. DG Fuels delivers a significant value proposition to end-customers, including meaningful environmental benefits and the ability to materially address sustainability goals. DG Fuel’s carbon efficient solution will tie together all critical elements to power, fuel, and provide SAF to its customers.
For additional information: Call Media Contact Dan Brown 202.649.0145, email us at [email protected], or via the website
About Loring Development Authority:
LDA is an instrumentality of the State of Maine and has a mission to redevelop the former Loring Air Force Base to create jobs and economic activity to counter the losses caused by the closing of the air base in 1994. LDA is governed by a Board of Trustees nominated by the Governor and
confirmed by the State Senate. LDA’s relationship with Green 4 Maine and DG Fuels is intended to maximize the potential reuse of existing assets to create economic value for the region most affected by the closing of the base.
For additional information: Call Carl Flora 207.227.8124, email us at [email protected], or via the website
About Green 4 Maine:
The Green 4 Maine Program’s Mission is a revitalization project with the focused objective of diversifying the former Loring Air Force Base into a vibrant; LIVE, WORK and PLAY, Green destination location. It will become the incubator hub for innovation, technological advancement, and creativity where there will be NO LIMIT on ideation. It will create a 100% Green Campus that will be self-sustaining and focused on renewable energy and aerospace application projects and their respective end-to-end supply chains. The Green 4 Maine mission is interwoven into the fabric of the Communities of Aroostook County to provide future jobs and economic stimulus for the entire region having state-wide impact and appeal. The Green 4 Maine Campus at Loring is the largest commercial business park in the State of Maine, and it is Open for Business – Come and join our family of businesses reaching for the stars, literally!
For additional information: Call Scott Hinkel 207.650.9662, email us at [email protected], or via the website

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